We decided to keep it low key and just invite our families over to mom & dad's house for dinner. (Of course this meant us having to fly home to Pgh, but it was worth it!) My girlfriends and their guys joined in on the fun as well so I was really happy to get to spend the day with my favorite people!!
Here's Ross & I before the reveal. He kept goofing off. The pics make me laugh :)
Here's a shot of the whole gang! I asked everyone to wear beads for their vote. You can see it's pretty evenly split, boy vs. girl! I voted 'Girl.' I've always dreamt of having a boy first, but since the day I was pregnant, I had a sneakin' suspicion it was a girl. God has a sense of humor like that... I've learned :) Ross really had no preference or idea either way, but decided to vote against me once I peer-pressured him enough to choose a side!
My best friend, Ang, and her husband, in the middle, were neutral since they were the 'secret keepers' and in charge of buying the balloons. They did a fantastic job :)
A few more pics from that day before the reveal...
Michelle made pink and blue punches. It was adorable, and even more important, both were delicious!!
After dinner, it was finally time!! I was so nervous! The video I posted on fb perfectly captures how excited we were to find out!! I love it so much and could stare at these pics all day :)
It's a girl!!!
And yes, both Ross & I are happy to raise her as a tomboy :) (if she agrees!)
And a few after pics!
This picture cracks me up... and so perfectly captures us! Ross gets this look a lot when I'm yelling at him :) He popped his balloon from playing with it too roughly! Luckily, we had plenty of extra balloons on hand for photo ops.

I love these girls more than words can express!!
I joked with my grandpa that he had the same baby bump that I did :) haha...
Lastly, a few more pictures of the box! I had to buy and decorate the box the day before and LOVED how it turned out (I was a little nervous it wasn't going to turn out well). My friend at work made me the 'boy or girl?' text from her Silhouette machine and Ross & I cut out the polka dots from scrapbook paper. Ross was also nice enough to help me wrap the box with brown kraft paper to cover all of the logos and give us a clean slate... but don't ask him, he'll deny any involvement in the activity :)
Love, love, love my box. And then my dad destroyed it afterwards in front of me when the party was over. Rude. I wanted to have a memorial service for it. Too bad Southwest wouldn't just allow me to bring it back home with me on the plane. *sigh* And can we all just take a moment to recognize how gorgeous my parents backyard is?!! I love it back there... and that yard makes an awesome backdrop!!!
Also a quick pic from the day after with mom and Michelle (and Luca, hehe)....
So that was it! It was a really special day. And the fact that we're having a girl is finally sinking in. I will love her with my whole heart.... even if she does love dresses and princesses. I might eventually learn to love them too :)
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