Tuesday, May 17, 2016

April Photo Dump

Here we are again! Another month has passed since I've last blogged and I don't know where time has gone. It is so fun watching Claire grow and learn new tricks, my oh my, how fast they learn!

I'll be back soon with another post with some May updates... I have some cute videos :)

4/1/16: Remember this fb post?? Well yeah, she has maybe only rolled from tummy to back again one other time since then. She hates it! Ugh. I've let her cry it out time and time again, hoping she'll roll over and figure it out again. But geesh. I've given up. I usually end up saving her. She is stubborn. Or lazy. but I can't stand the crying.
Claire = 1, Mom = 0

 4/5/16: Trying out her snowsuit!! haha.... let me explain. I needed a solution for camping and what she would sleep in since she can't sleep in a sleeping bag, I found the perfect solution while spontaneously stopping in at BabyGap with my mother-in-law (just to drool over all the adorable clothes which I refuse to pay their prices for, ho hum). A snowsuit! ...on clearance for $12! Actually, it might be a little too warm... so I also have a lighter alternative. It's a 12-month size... so it's a little big, but if we don't use it for camping, she can use it next winter :) and she loves it!! haha

Sorry for the video being sideways...

4/5/16:  She still does this a lot... gotta have 2 fingers in her mouth at once!

4/10/16: Michelle & Luca came to visit us for a few days. Luca loves his Baby Claire time :) Michelle gave us Luca's old bouncer and Claire LOVES it. Michelle's just trying to clean out her house and clutter up mine!! *ahem*


4/15/16: Trying out my baby carrier with Claire while cooking dinner. She's been in it a few more times since then and she really enjoys it, even falling asleep in it once.

4/15/16: The week she learned how to scream! Here's a different video than the one I shared on FB. Just some more vocalization :) She's starting to add consenants and will talk up a storm in the back of the car with her toys! Ross & I usually get a good laugh, wondering what it is she's saying...

I'll share this video since it's not sideways ;)

4/16/16: "Sorry ma'am, I'm gonna need to see some I.D." Oops.

4/18/16: Trying out her new bathing suit!! She was only fascinated with the tutu and just wanted to eat it.  I guess whatever keeps her entertained, lol. I can't wait to take her to the beach (aka Lake Erie) this summer and to our neighborhood pool! I'm considering baby swimming classes right now and can't decide if it's worth the cost?!

4/20/16: Looking cool in her new shades. Unfortunately they only stay on for about .7 seconds until she rips them off so she can eat them!

4/27/16: Some naked time after her bath. Some days we get restless so whatever entertains her, goes.

4/30/16:  Helping to wash the car?! No. Sleeping on the job. Thanks kid.


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